The High Table is lead by the ‘Elder’, who sits above the table and is referred to as ‘Malak’. Historians have often viewed him as parallel to the Melchizedek (The righteous king of peace).
The specific details regarding the origins of the Table are largely unknown but the Table is described to be larger than any earthly tribal confederation on the planet earth.
During the 5th Century BCE, Herodotus, referred to as ‘The father of history’ mentioned four ancient tribes living in the Harauvatis Satrapy of Achaemenid empire. The nation comprising the tribes of Gandarn, the Aparytae, the Sattagudai, and the Dadicae. who were all reckoned together paid 170 talents. Those tribes were believed to be part of the table.
Some of these tribes went from their first settlement near the Mountains of Ghor and Ghazni to present day East-Central and North-Eastern Pukhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan.
The formation of the Table dates back to the ancient times; long before the establishment of the Neo-Assyrian Empire
The 7th Book of Rigveda recounts the battle of the ten kings around 1400 BCE, where the Bharatas triumphed over a confederation of ten tribes in the same region.
Now according to the Book of Revelations which states that the ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. ‘They will fight the great city that rules over the kings of the earth and has become a dwelling place for demons, a dungeon haunted by every unclean spirit, and a prison for every unclean and loathsome bird’.
But where do we fit in all of this? Well let’s just say we are well placed under the table and we deal in premium quality honey.
Our pure, unadulterated honey not only aids in healing but also provides strength to live through these dark times and help you witness the final verdict.